Saturday, May 29, 2010

Doing Life Together

The longer we are married, Jason and I become more convinced about the importance of friends walking alongside each other to sharpen, encourage and enjoy one another. One of our favorites is the Gates family. We met them several years ago in a church small group. Our values are so much the same and we live life very similar. The Gates have 6 boys, 5 that are the same age as our boys. We understand the challenges of having a larger family together and celebrate the joys of marriage, parenting and even greater, our walks with Christ. It's always a blessing to spend time together! (One of their boys and Lynnea were gone on this night together.)
Joseph and Jake have been the best of friends. They are so much fun to enjoy!

Their twins are #4 & #5 too and are the same age as Isaac.

Caleb & Benjamin are the oldest and we always compare to see who has gotten taller.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh! I love the pictures of the kids! They are so cute Jen! I love having good friends too. I think it makes all the difference in the world.